Mark Shea on the “Great Enema”

Links to news of Bishop “You’ve got Porn” Krenn and his reflection on authentic Catholic healing in the wake of these scandals.
Regarding Bishop Krenn and the diabolic shennanigans at his seminary, I’d be ready to leave the country if I had any of his newly-ordained priests in my parish. After being formed in an environment like that it’s highly likely they would be psychologically and spiritual unwell. Perhaps some of our priest readers would care to comment on how the environment of a seminary influences candidates for the priesthood. It’s imagine the influence is tremendous and a seminary like Krenn’s could have become a freak factory in recent years.


  1. I’d be ready to leave the country if I had any of his newly-ordained priests in my parish.
    Isn’t that taking things to the extreme? Just going to another parish should be sufficient.

  2. I wonder how many seminaries in the United States had similar things going on. If you read the works of Donald Cozzens and others, that kind of behavior might well have gone on in your new associate pastor’s dorm room at the seminary. The Americans just might be better at covering it up.

  3. Lavender laboratories and pink palaces……..the libs brought the whole mess on and now seek to use the mess to bankrupt and destroy the Church………the bankrupt part may not be all that bad……..the Church will never be desroyed……..just tribulated.

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