Sorry for another shameless self-promotion, but Zenit recently interviewed me over my new book Surprised by Canon Law. Although the interview initially began with questions about the book, we soon strayed into all sorts of hefty issues like the legitimacy of children after an annulment, pro-abort Catholic politicians receiving Holy Communion, and the inviolability of the seal of confession in light of the recent sexual misconduct crisis among the clergy. Here’s a link to the complete text of the interview.
Author: Pete Vere
Concerning Specter’s betrayal…
…here’s an actual sign from PA that, if we substitute “Borking” for “Working”, would say it all
I’d rather vote Hillary than Specter
Update: please visit
I should probably know better by now. Readers consistently send me the most compliments when I’m writing about canon law, and the most hate mail when I write about politics. That being said….
As a Casey Democrat, one of the things that most irked me about the last election is that the DNC refused to run a pro-life democrat even when it was in their best interest to do so. Take Arlen Specter. The Pennsylvania senator possesses less credibility vis-a-vis family values than Bill Clinton addressing a teen chastity conference. A Casey Democrat could have easily unseated Specter.
Even Ann Coulter said she would vote Democrat in any race where Specter was the Republican candidate. Along with Kennedy and Daschle, Specter has repeatedly outed himself in the Senate as the third member of the Abortion Trinity. Mere days have passed since the election, and Specter couldn’t wait to betray social conservatives. In case you haven’t heard, Specter warned Bush not to name any pro-life candidates for judicial appointments. This is the thanks the pro-life Bush and Santorum receive for saving Specter’s electoral butt during the primaries…
Someone needs to point out to the GOP that they won this election because Casey Democrats and Miller Democrats crossed over to their side on the family values platform. Granted, Miller Democrats also support the war in Iraq, but for the most part Casey Democrats do not. The latter also do not support most of the Republican fiscal platform. But they split their vote precisely because abortion and marriage are two non-negotiable issues that trump fiscal policy.
Additionally, we need to protest and complain to Rick Santorum. I respect all his hard work in the Senate for pro-life causes, but he co-operated with evil when he supported Specter over Pat Toomey during the Republican primaries. While we cannot know with absolute certitude what would have happened in the primaries, the race was so tight that Toomey would likely have won if Santorum had supported him. Heck, he likely would have won if Santorum had simply stayed out of the race rather than rally behind Specter.
Even the best people make mistakes now and then, which is why I don’t hold this against Santorum. I believe Santorum is a good and honest pro-lifer who has the best interest of children in the womb at heart. But we must still protest and take Santorum to task for supporting Specter during the primaries. We can forgive him this lapse of judgment, however, he has an obligation to make things right insofar as he is capable.
It’s time to rally the forces and Bork Specter’s potential appointment as chair of the Senate Judicial committee.
Proud to be a Casey Democrat
I’ve never been more proud to be a Casey Democrat. Bush’s narrow victory, Tom Daschle’s defeat, and the overwhelming support for ballot measures defending the traditional definition of marriage send a clear message to the DNC elite. We will not be silenced when it comes to defending our moral values. Keep pushing abortion and homosexual “marriage” and you alienate a nice chunk of your traditional base. This will haunt you come election day.
Kerry could have won this election. In fact, Kerry would have won this election if wasn’t such a pro-abort and pro-homosexual extremist. Republicans put together a nice coalition, but they simply did not have the numbers to re-elect Bush. Casey Democrats — that is, pro-life Catholic Democrats — are what put Bush over in both Florida and Ohio. And we will likely continue putting over pro-life Republicans so long as there are no pro-life Democrats for whom we can vote.
Bush wins with 10-12 point spread
I spent part of this past weekend with about fifty-five other Canadians, a half-dozen Americans and a Frenchman. We are all hoping that President Bush wins on Tuesday. (I felt sorry for our friend from France who was besieged by “Kerry for President of France” t-shirts. “We have enough problems!” he replied.)
Anyway, this may seem hopelessly optimistic on my part, but I think the print media is wrong. We’ll know by Wednesday morning, but I’m predicting Bush wins with a 10-12 point spread in the popular vote.
Additionally, we enjoyed some hilarious on-line computer animation from jib-jab, including It’s Good to be in D.C. and This Land. (Warning, some of the political humor in these animations is a little coarse.)