Papal Elections Q&A

Several of you have inquired about how papal conclaves work. Unfortunately, I’m in the middle of exams right now, but this is a topic that Mike Trueman and I intended to cover in our sequel toSurprised by Canon Law. Mike is scheduled to visit in a couple weeks. If you folks are interested, Mike and I might bump this section up on our writing schedule and leak it on the blog.

MSNBC Tonight

We still haven’t pinned down the fine details, but it looks like the MSNBC interview will take place tonight between 5 and 6, God permitting. Will keep everyone updated as things progress.

He faced death with Dignity

I’m saddened by the Holy Father’s death, but not upset about it. Rather I’m in awe of it. Throughout his life, the Holy Father consistently preached about the culture of life and the dignity intrinsic to every human person. What struck me about his death is that he faced it head on, preaching by deed and by example what he had always preached by word. In short, the Holy Father showed us how we ought to offer up our human suffering to Christ in our sunset years, regardless of the effects of illness and age. The Holy Father died how he lived — an Apostle for the dignity of human life.