Bishop Charged in Canada for Being Catholic

Well, looks like the homosexual persecution against the Catholic Church is now picking up steam in Canada. Bishop Fred Henry is being charged by the Alberta Human “Rights” Tribunal for defending marriage as God created it.
His Excellency is fighting it with his crozier a blazing


  1. It’s only a matter of time, if these shadows remain unchanged, that bishops are going to have to earn their red caps, once again.
    God have mercy on us all!

  2. No, he’s not before the human rights commission for being Catholic, he’s before the human rights commission for this:
    Henry’s letter finishes by stating the “state must use its coercive power to proscribe or curtail them in the interests of the common good.”
    He is using his power as a clergyman to try to get the state to discriminate against homosexuals, not only by denying them marriage, but by actively curtailing them in their sexuality. One would assume this means he wants gays and lesbians arrested for what they do in the privacy of their own homes.
    I have no sympathy for him. And I think his being before a human rights commission is a far cry from martyrdom, Puzzled, but thanks for the theatrics.

  3. Nathan:
    What is the antecedent to “them” in the quote you cite?
    And no, I guess the bishop isn’t exactly being prosecuted for *being* Catholic, just for stating and upholding what the Church teaches. What a distinction bud.
    Don’t pretend that the homosexuals care about the rhetorical finery or precise formulations. It is the core teaching to which they object, and they wish to eradicate it. I speak from personal experience.

  4. Nathan:
    You call it trying to get the state to discriminate, others might call it free speech and freedom of religion.
    I might not agree with every jot and tittle of what he wrote either, but certainly he should have a right to say/write/proclaim it without being hauled before the authorities.
    But then again, I guess these are just the modern-day synagogues before which the followers of Christ can expect to be berated, abused, and flogged for the sake of the truth of the Gospel.

  5. Bishop Henry makes it very clear that he, like God, “hates the sin but loves the sinner”. He’s also very clear on the concept of free speech and free debate. I admire his courage and his “blazing crozier”. Too bad there aren’t many like him. Our own archbishop of Montreal is so quiet as to be almost invisible. The same could be said for our Bishop of Valleyfield (my diocese)… They, like many others, very seldom speak out on anything. As for “fascism”, I think if there is any around, it’s on the part of those who wish to stifle any disagreement with “political correctness’. In my view, this notion has run amok, and some common sense is called for. How can there be free speech and free discourse if everyone becomes so afraid of offending everyone else that you can’t open your mouth? You go, Your Excellency!

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