I have a student who will be homeschooled this year. I am very interested in having her continue with her musical studies and she has been an asset to our program here. Her parents reside in and pay taxes to Fairfax County.
I’ve been reminded of some things, and learned some new ones:
Author: Bryan Baldwin
It must be like stepping onto another planet and meeting ET
Our friend MichiganCatholic wrote the above while commenting on Sal’s post below about the tendency for some hispanic/latino Catholics to embrace evangelical protestantism upon immigrating to the U.S. I understand why recent immigrants from countries that still have a Catholic culture would be turned off by many Catholic parishes in the U.S. Indeed, I attended Mass yesterday and had that very reaction.
On a deadline?
Our proofreader, Nihil Obstat, wrote the following on Wednesday, May 05:
Well, I don’t think anyone wants it be a curly Catholic blog.
Care to buy an infinitive, N.O.?
Why I May Explode (Warning):
Commencement exercises are tomorrow (my least, least, least favorite part of the year).
It’s my least favorite time because of the repertoire. I enjoy Elgar, especially Enigma, Gerontius, and the other marches besides the ubiquitous one. I enjoy other English marches, too, particularly Crown Imperial and Orb and Sceptre, but we have to use the Elgar. It annoys me when people say, “It’s Traditional.” No, it isn’t. I don’t think Americans have very much of an understanding of what constitutes a tradition, not to mention what is worthy of tradition. Which march is co-opted for a procession at a high-school graduation IS NOT WORTH CRYING OVER. It’s JUST A MARCH. I would love a moratorium on its use until we’ve all forgotten about the diaper ads, the puppy-chow commercials, and the sundry high-school-band butcherings we’ve all seen and heard.
(None of the above argument applies to chant, by the way, for the following reasons:
1. Chant is sanctioned by the Magisterium. There’s no such thing in American academia.
2. Graduations are traditions of men, undoubtedly; the Mass isn’t.)
Mr Baldwin may explode without warning |
I couldn’t help but post this. My students would agree, I think.
From Go-Quiz.com