
My lovely wife and I had the distinct pleasure of attending a reverent Low Mass here on Saturday and a reverent (and exceedingly well-sung by the outstanding schola cantorum) High Mass here on Sunday morning. These churches are unconditionally recommended for travelers to either of these fair cities.

Stand. Sit. Kneel.

Where might one purchase a clicker? Not a neon-green dog trainer’s model, you understand, but a real real-nun certified version?
(I’m not planning shenannigans at the local Trid Mass, by the way, or, for that matter, shenannigans anywhere.)


The Washington Bach Consort will be playing the B-Minor Mass at the Strathmore on Friday. The choir is always extremely well-prepared, as is the “period” orchestra, although we will certainly pity the poor hornist who has to play “Quoniam” on a corno di caccia, as well as the three trumpeters who will surely lose some grey matter during the performance of the work. (Should you want to hear a “period” orchestra, try the samples for this recording of the Bach.)

A Good Man

I would post more often if I had the perspicacity and insight to come up with something like this.
Go. Read.
(This priest received me into the Church several years ago. He da man.)

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