Oh, come on! Kids will have group sex no matter what! It’s only natural!

Every time I have the slightest twinge of doubt that Catholic school is worth the money, something like this happens.
Apparently, some athletes Osbourn High School in Manassas decided to have a “sexual incident” one afternoon, to use the clinical term from the article. And did the parents discipline their children, or move to another state? No — according to WMAL, a local station, they complained that their rutting children were punished too severely.
Whenever parents attack the authorities for punishing their misbehaving kids, one can only assume it’s displaced anger from shame. They think that by defending their children, they can refrain from blaming themselves. That’s the charitable interpretation — the less charitable one would be that they really think there’s nothing wrong with such an “incident.”
I will be completely happy to write that tuition check next month.


  1. Thanks — I think “rutting” fits. It’s hard to pretend that group sex is innocent experimentation or young love.
    Don’t you love how the media won’t reveal the names of the kids? So the prevalent attitude is that it’s okay for teenagers to do incredibly intimate things with their bodies even though they’re minors. But it’s not okay to mention their names when they are the subject of a criminal investigation, because they are minors. Doesn’t anybody else see how totally backward that is?

  2. More backward than that they can have abortions or school-provided condoms without parental consent or even notification, but not an ear-piercing or a school-provided aspirin without explicit consent? Nah.
    You’re looking at it from the wrong angle, Eric. Trying to discern “like” and “unlike” along discourses of “age” or “medical coverage” or “media treatment.” Liberals are acting perfectly rationally once you realize that the god they really worship is Dionysus. “What policy produces the most sex, drugs and rocknroll?” is the relevant question to ask. When you ask that one, liberals will become 99 percent predictable and their apparent irrationalities fall into beautiful, shining order.

  3. No argument there, Victor. I just wish that the Left would be as forthright as it was in the ’60s, when they argued that cheap sex and abortion were positive goods.

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