Madonna warns how people “are going to go to hell, if they don’t turn from their wicked behavior.”

No, not the Madonna. This time, it’s just Madonna the singer.
I should have predicted this, it’s been so obvious; it’s time for her to reinvent herself as a defender of values other than the tolerance of weirdness.
Unfortunately, from the snippet Drudge quotes, she might be a little anti-material in the gnostic sense; but maybe that’s part of her quasi-kabbalah religion thing, if she’s still into that. At this rate of change, she may end up as a Christian again someday.
Watch for her to take up singing standards.


  1. You watch…in 5 or 6 years she’ll come back to Catholicism with a roar and flourish. Then she’ll start complaining that she can’t be a priest…or she’ll try to become a nun…or she’ll transform into Bella Abzug…or Godzilla…

  2. Or she may actually come to know the Truth, as I know I have been praying for her conversion. I mean, it’s unlikely, but hey, the Lord has surely converted weirder people.

  3. I think she’s selling herself short. She became famous by dancing in her underwear and expropriating Christian imagery to sell recordings and tour tickets. In the early ’90s, she compiled a pornographic book called “Sex” and dressed it up as Art. She’s managed to spread her mediocre talents because of her overwhelmingly ferocious desire for recognition.
    In doing all this, she’s played a major supporting role in the debasement of her culture, and the formation of “The Beast,” as she calls it. Serious artists and intellections laid the theoretical groundwork before she was born, but they weren’t very good propagandists. It took populists like Madonna to sell the idea of self-gratification as the key to happiness.
    Her comments remind me of Tony Soprano fretting about the moral degradation of society. They’re both right, but you have to wonder if they ever reflect on their own lives. (Okay, Tony isn’t a real person. But you get my point.)

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