Time Magazine has weighed in on last week’s scandal involving the Legion of Christ and allegations Maciel molested his eight-year-old son. Particularly pointed in the concluding paragraph:
While the Legion’s website message last week was sympathetic to Lara and her sons, the order made a point of exposing José Raúl González’s private demand earlier this year that the Legion pay him $26 million to keep quiet about his father’s sexual abuse. The order insists it did not pay, suggesting that as the motive for the tell-all radio interview. Masferrer says the Legion has also circulated reports that Maciel was surrounded by exorcists in his final days, suggesting that his immoral acts were the work of demons and not the priest. That’s a Hail Mary ploy at best. And it does little to obscure the fact that it’s up to Benedict now to decide whether Padre Maciel’s Legion is itself possessed of enough demons to warrant more severe penance.
To read the entire article, please click here.