:: What is a “Progressive

:: What is a “Progressive Catholic?”

Someone help me with this one. Does that mean someone who is a practicing Catholic who doesn’t agree with the authority of the Magisterium? A non-practicing Catholic who reads Reason magazine and swings to the left when he votes? Please ‘splain it to me!

When people tell me that “The Church has a long way to go on things like abortion, birth control and homosexuality” I reply, “Cleary the Church hasn’t done enough when people think killing babies and abusing the gift of our sexuality is acceptable!”

The Divine Mercy Devotion

Good googly moogly look at this. It’s in response by Fr. Joe Wilson to a letter to Catholic priests from someone at Priests for Life, promising to fight for them against the purported Catholic-bashers in the media. Some of things in that letter are downright scary. The enemy truly is within. Only by God’s grace are we going to get through this. Remember His promise that the jaws of death will not prevail against his Church!

Pray for our shepherds and for our Church! Pray for the victims. Pray for the perpetrators of these awful sins, those who are guilty either directly or indirectly.

And this from the Diary of St. Faustina. According to St. Faustina, Jesus stated the following in one of her numerous private revelations:

My daughter, speak to priests about this inconceivable mercy of Mine. The flames of mercy are burning Me – clamoring to be spent; I want to keep pouring them upon souls; souls just don’t want to believe in My goodness. (177)

Here’s a question for those

Here’s a question for those out there in Catholic blogdom – was my initial post on strumming and clanging too judgmental? I can’t really determine if the music impedes proper reception of the Eucharist. I think music that is more reverrant is appropriate for the Mass. Should we recieve the Eucharist in a quiet and comtemplative manner? Sometimes the Communion songs just seem to serve as happy fun sonic wallpaper for the congregation.

:: Church of the Nativity

:: Church of the Nativity seige ends?

Earlier today I was debating whether or not to blog about the hostage situation at the Church of the Nativity. I held back, realizing I should pray and not just unload on our six regular readers. Now I find out it has been resolved. Maybe. I guess most Americans were too busy thinking about non-invasive colonoscopy procedures to be outraged while this was going on.

I was alarmed by this picture but I remembered that Jesus spent a lot of time with sinners. Apparently this was part of negotiations to end the seige on the Church of the Nativity. Arafat would make a great convert – I hope the Cardinal left some pamphlets with him. I don’t mean to be so glib – I just can’t understand why the Cardinal is smiling like he just moved someone else’s cheese. Maybe he Baptized Arafat and heard his confession?

Blog note: this is neither an endorsement of the book “Who Moved My Cheese?” nor of non-invasive colonoscopy procedures. Check back with me in twenty years and I’ll tell you if I am in favor on non-invasive colonoscopy procedures.