Note to Señor Lopez

“Lopez” has peppered our comments of late with pithy questions. At first they seemed misguided but innocuous. Now he asks, “Why is this site called ‘Catholic Light’? Shouldn’t be called dim religious dork?”
I invite rational discourse with him on the whatever topic on which we disgaree. I suspect he will reply, “I’ve got your rational discourse right here, buddy!” and go back to watching meta-narratives on cable news. The same cable news where he’s heard “Gay marriage doesn’t hurt anyone.”

What Ray Bradbury thinks about Michael Moore

It didn’t take a genius to figure out that Michael Moore mis-appropriated the name of his anti-Bush flick from Ray Bradury’s Fahrenheit 451. In fact, that non-genius was me. Be that as it may, Mr. Bradbury would like the world to know what he thinks about Michael Moore. Caution: the interview with Bradbury contains rather coarse language. This sums it up: “Ray Bradbury was very clear that he considered Moore a dishonest thief, but refused to answer if he would press charges in any way.” I think Moore is an intellectually dishonest, unimaginative ninny, too.

John and Teresa on vacation

John and Teresa are away at the beach for the week celebrating their anniversary. She sent me this photo of her hangliding. She writes, “Talk about getting closer to heaven!” Look how high up she is! FYI – The man in the photo is not John. He’s apparently a certified hanglider who makes piles of cash off adventurous tourists. I don’t think John would get on a hanglider unless there was free beer involved.


Question for Eric

Looking at your Googlewar post below, I’m lead to believe that you have something against folk music. What exactly is your beef with folk music?