Remembering 9-11

As time allows we will post links to sites, articles, and such. John and I expect to spend most of the day doing our part to keep the economy chugging along in our jobs before we go to Mass tonight. Links and thoughts are all welcome via email or the comments. Pray for the souls of those who died last year, their familes, our nation and for a lasting peace!
The White House
“On Hallowed Ground” by Dave Barry
Ad Orientem, Mark Sullivan’s blog, has two great posts here and here.
Peggy Noonan’s “A Heart, a Cross, a Flag”
A Mighty Fortress is our God link via JB O at Kairos


I’ve come up with a name for all our liturgical ramblings – GIRM warfare! Keep reading – John has some good stuff below.

Baptism humor?

I guess I don’t have anything else to call this. A very pregnant woman (about to pop) stopped me after Mass. Her baby will be Baptized in two weeks at the 10 am Mass. She was requesting that we do an Ave Maria after Communion. I told her that I would mention it to John and then I said something like “You’re not wasting any time getting the child Baptized!” She said, “I want to get the horns removed as soon as possible!”