At Reagan’s funeral.
At Reagan’s funeral.
The main reason I’m not still a public school teacher is I once asked a fat kid if he could retain anything besides water. My character deficiencies are far outweighed by the public school system, though, as you can see by this news story:
N.Y. Teacher on Leave for Soapy Punishment – a teacher washes a 3rd grader’s mouth out with soap after the “10-year-old boy directed ‘a vile, very nasty sexual reference’ at a third-grade girl in March.” The teacher got suspended indefinitely.
Of Stem Cells and Fairy Tales – weeklystandard.com
“stem cell experts confess . . . that of all the diseases that may be someday cured by embryonic stem cell treatments, Alzheimer’s is among the least likely to benefit.”
But people like Nancy Reagan have been allowed to believe otherwise, “a distortion” Weiss writes that “is not being aggressively corrected by scientists.” Why? The false story line helps generate public support for the biotech political agenda. As Weiss noted, “It [Nancy Reagan’s statement in support of ESCR] is the kind of advocacy that researchers have craved for years, and none wants to slow its momentum.”
Combinaton spoon and torch? A burn mark from cigar? A stain that won’t come out no matter what you do? Nope. You’re all wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.
SPORCH is the Society for the Preservation Of Roman Catholic Heritage. And they have a link to a website that has a pattern for a cassock. Does Steve’s mom know about this?