
Lawmakers Mum on Rev. Moon Event –

WASHINGTON — It’s one of the most bizarre incidents to take place on Capitol Hill in a long time: A ceremony honoring the very controversial Rev. Sun Myung Moon, with at least a dozen lawmakers in attendance.
During the ceremony, a crown was placed on Moon’s head and he said he would save the souls of everyone on Earth, just as he had done for notorious dictators Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin — whom the reverend said were reborn because of his teachings

Can you imagine being one of the legislators at this ceremony?

Categorized as Amusements

Coors urges lower drinking age

GREENWOOD VILLAGE, Colo. — Colorado Republican Senate hopeful Pete Coors yesterday criticized the legal drinking age, chiding the federal government for coercing states into raising the age limit from 18 to 21.
“We got along fine for years with the 18-year-old drinking age,” the former CEO of the Coors Brewing Co. told an audience of about 200 people at a candidates’ debate here. “We’re criminalizing our young people.”

In other news, Ford urges lower driving age, Philip Morris urges lower smoking age, Michael Moore urges lower voting age, Larry Flynt urges lower porn-buying age, and Satan urges lower age of reason.

Some help, please

Some weeks ago I volunteered to help manage and train the altar servers at my parish. I’ve noticed that the vast majority of them have no clue what is going on during Mass; they don’t say the proper responses or sing things like the Alleluia, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei. Does anyone know of a simple booklet out there to teach kids what the Mass is all about? I’m looking for something small and inexpensive. Give Mr. Sal some help now and we might get more vocations out of this parish!

Categorized as Education