Can’t we all just get along?

Larry Miller, contributing humorist to the Daily Standard, says no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Just look at the residents of the Twin Cities and you’ll see why. Read the whole thing – it’s a riot!

Categorized as Amusements

Teacher’s Pet by Diana West

Stunning media bias and the presidential campaign. How about that story of lawyer Edwards “channeling” an unborn girl in arguments at a trial? And how he avoided paying $600,000 in Medicare taxes even as he was attacking tax shelters that shortchange Medicare on the campaign trail? Imagine if Cheney did that! Kerry and Edwards would rend their designer garments at every campaign stop across the USA.

What is news anymore? The dishonesty in the media and the Democratic ticket is astounding. And believe me, they have been using the same techniques and double-talk to marginalize Catholics in the debate on moral issues. I’m going to drink some decaf now.

Categorized as Politics

Sunday Melts Into Just Part of the Week

Once, within living memory, it was a day apart in many places: a 24-hour stretch of family time when liquor was unavailable, church was the rule, shopping was impossible and — in some towns — weekend staples like tending the lawn and playing in the park met with hearty disapproval. But America changed, and it dragged Sunday along with it.

And such an article wouldn’t be complete without a quote like this:

“We’ve erased a lot of the distinctions between night and day, between weekday and weekend,” says Susan Orlean, author of “Saturday Night in America,” a 1990 book. “Our notions of time and space are collapsing.”

Yes, space and time are collapsing to one point in time, now, and one lonely microcosm, where, as David Hume said, “we never advance a step beyond our selves.” Did I use too many commas in that sentence?

More on the collapse of space and time later, if I have space and time enough to blog something I read today about Stephen Hawking.