Enough is enough

Let’s talk about what Kerry actually said during the debate instead of botox, cheat sheets, etc.

I’ve observed many presidential debates over the years, and I understand that more than substance is considered by commentators, analysts, and voters. But I’ve never witnessed a post-debate situation in which substance has been so minimized. (The fact that the president did not confront Kerry on these statements during the debate is no explanation.) This isn’t the swimsuit portion of the Miss America contest. We’re deciding on the next commander-in-chief in the midst of a war. You’d think substance would be more important than ever.

Categorized as Politics

“Church-State Espionage?”

Kathy Shaidle has a link to liberals sitting in at Christian services to hear if a minister endorses Bush.
Is it McCain-Feingold that is the reason for this? Or is it the tax-exempt status of non-profits? Regardless, no one is questioning non-profits on the other end of the political spectrum. Is it too much to ask the USCCB to demand that the freedoms of religion and speech is protected equally in this country? It seems the freedom of speech is held with a kind of fervor that the freedom of religion is not.
Kathy also has a link to a story on the Deal Hudson issue by Jeremy Lott at The American Spectator.

Categorized as Politics

Controversy over proposed ballpark in DC

Gay leaders to fight proposed ballpark – washtimes

Frank Kameny, who is considered the father of District’s homosexual rights movement in the 1970s, said the homosexual community probably cannot stop the stadium plan but has enough political leverage to win significant concessions from the city.

Concessions? Like gift ceritificates to Ikea, free clogs, and change all the red lights in the District to pink?

Forgive me

I just can’t resist. Found this photo on Drudge this morning. It looks like Kerry and his aids are searching far and wide for his posterior.


Categorized as Amusements