Rescue some treasures maybe

Attention readers in DE, PA, and NJ. A friend pointed this rather cryptic ad out to me via email about the estate of a deceased priest being put up for auction. A blurb can be found on this website for the date of November 13:

Father Hewitt had collected massive sizes and amounts of 100 year old italian marble from St. Michael’s Passionist Monastery in union city, NJ. Along with statues, icons, marble cornices, and WWII Marine Corp, full library (700+ volumes), restaurant ware (Buffalo and Shenango Pottery, stainless cookery, etc.), and an outhouse (Yes, We’re selling the outhouse).

The auction is taking place tomorrow at 10 AM on Montana Road in Stewartsville, NJ. It’s off Route 57 about 3 miles. I’d go but I’m tied up tomorrow, though I wish I could make it. If you do end up going drop me a line and let me know how it was.

UPDATE: Word from my friend was the auction was a mix of religious folks and antique dealers. A good soul did successfully bid on a full-size statue of Our Lady of Mount Carmel for the Carmelite Nuns of the Ancient Observance in Coopersburg, PA. The nuns were ectastic to get the statue.

Democratic Party must be ‘born again,’ Carville says – washtimes

He said the party is desperately in need of a compelling narrative to tell voters, rather than the “litany of issues” the party stands for now.
He said Mr. Bush and Republicans presented just such a story: “These guys had a narrative — we’re going to protect you from the terrorists in Tikrit and from the homos in Hollywood. That’s it,” he said. “I think we could elect somebody from Beverly Hills if they had some compelling narrative to tell people about what the country is.”

The democrats did have a narrative – Bush is an idiot and anyone who votes for him is a retard. Again, not compelling. I don’t think the Democrats will ever be able to reconcile the rabid secularists with Christians. The “big tent” just isn’t that big.

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