Terri is doing fine, her parents are good people

This will be my last update from the vigil until after the baby is born, as Sonya is pretty close to going into labor and the doctors have asked us to stick close to home. Terri’s parents are among the kindest and most decent people I have ever met. Before we left to return home, Terri’s father took us aside and asked if he could speak with us because he had heard from some of the nurses and paramedics at the vigil (the ones on our side) that Sonya looked like she was only a few days away from labor. He was concerned we might try and sneak up to the vigil between now and then.
To be honest, this wasn’t an unreal possibility since the hospital is about half-way between where we live and the hospice where Terri is staying. Nevertheless, Mr. Schindler said: “As a father, I’m here for my baby. We really appreciate your prayers and support, but you two need to be there for your baby now. We know you’re with us in prayer. But please come back with the baby as soon as you’re rested and able to travel.” I mention this because it is typical of the wisdom and compassion one finds with Terri’s parents. Even as they undergo such a tremendous cross, they show great consideration in generosity in wanting to make sure we weren’t neglecting our own family needs for the sake of theirs. Needless to say, we were stunned. “How could they even worry about us at a time like this?” Sonya asked. For my own part, I don’t think I could be this self-less if that was my daughter in the hospice. However, this is just one example that reveals the character of Terri’s family.
1) According to Terri’s family, who visited her yesterday, it looks like her condition is much improved. The color has returned to her face, she does not look so gaunt, and she’s responding to her family’s presence and attempting to communicate with them. It is impossible to know for sure, because Michael Schiavo is now reportedly denying Terri’s family access to her medical records under the Medical Privacy Act. Again, Terri’s family expresses their appreciation to everyone for our prayers and the rosaries.
2) Fr. Rob was out there yesterday. He spent most of the day with Terri’s parents, which allowed Monsignor to attend to a number of doctors appointments he had been putting off as well as get some rest. We spent some time together at the vigil, and he will try and update us whenever he can. Both Monsignor and Terri’s family are very grateful for his presence, especially since given Monsignor’s age, these three-hour nights are taking their toll on his health. Fr. Rob sends along his greetings.
3) It was also Mr. Schindler’s birthday yesterday. So we all sang him happy birthday just before he and his family went in for their evening visit with Terri.
4) If you listened in to the mainstream media on the ground, most of the reporters are actually quite sympathetic to Terri. This wasn’t the case when they arrived, but they’re becoming more sympathetic every day. What’s really interesting is watching them fight with the producers and the suits back in the head office over how the report is edited and spun. For this reason, some of the big news stations are starting to rotate their news teams after a couple days, while others are getting an earful as the reporters become increasingly less docile when asked to re-spin their report.
The one exception, of course, seems to be Fox News which is simply allowing their crews to call it as they see it. In fact, I spent a few minutes with the Fox crew yesterday, and thanked them for their unbiased reporting. (Okay, so they aren’t perfect, but they’re doing a better job than the rest of the television networks.) That being said, the other reporters are not nearly as biased as they are made to look on air, and we may possibly see a press revolt before too long.
5) Although the networks (I will not longer say press) continue to present Terri as a vegetable or in coma, from the descriptions of those I have spoken with who visited her, as well as from the video footage, etc. she actually ressembles someone with Cerebral Palsey. In fact, if you weren’t a lawyer or a doctor familiar with the history of her situation, you would probably conclude that this is what she has. I mention this because while Cerebral Palsey patients require a lot of assistance, most of us would be appalled if someone tried to murder them through starvation and dehydration.
6) I am grateful to everyone for your prayers and assistance in keeping everyone updated. Yet there’s a particular individual who is consistently and faithfully in the right place when I need his help, but always in the wrong place when it comes time to expressing my gratitude. This individual is Karl Maurer, a fellow regular contributor at the Wanderer. Anytime I need to reach someone from the vigil but don’t have their number on me, I’m on the cell phone to Karl who either looks up the number for me or emails the individual in question. He also keeps a pretty large distribution list going through the Catholic Media Coalition, and has faithfully gotten action alerts out within seconds. Thanks Karl, it is greatly appreciated.
7) On that note, here’s a sample letter Karl wrote:
To: Mr. Roosevel Freeman
Office of Civil Rights
District Office in Atlanta
PHONE: 404 562-7886
Dear Mr. Freeman:
I am writing to ask that your office take immediate steps to remove Terri Schindler Schiavo from the care and guardianship of her husband Michael, who is currently under investigation for spousal abuse and criminal neglect.
Your immediate attention to this matter would be appreicated, as Mr. Schiavo has repeatedly attempted to have his wife killed. This email complaint is being filed in lieu of formal documents due to the critical nature of Terri’s case.
Thank you for your help in this matter.
Karl Maurer
Karl J Maurer CPA
[Snail Mail Address]

Fr. Rob Arrives in Time to Repriest the Battle Lines

Dear all,
I just got off the phone with Monsignor and Fr. Rob. Fr. Rob got in safely, and Monsignor brought him up to date over dinner. Fr. Rob has also been in contact with Terri’s parents. Monsignor is very grateful to the St. Blog community for sending Fr. Rob. Since this whole thing began, Monsignor has been putting off his own medical appointments and whatnot in order to remain accessible to Terri and her family. So Fr. Rob’s presence comes as a great relief. Fr. Rob gives everyone his best and asks for prayers.
The good news is that the feeding tube was reinserted and Terri is now getting nutrition as well as liquids. Additionally, Michael Schiavo backed down from his prohibition against Terri’s family visiting her. Nevertheless, he is now refusing Terri’s parents access to her medical records and condition — citing the privacy act. This is why we’re not getting any updates on her medical condition. It should also be noted that an independent guardian ad litem only applies to the specific court case. Mike Schiavo remains Terri’s legal guardian in all other matters.
There’s also some other troubling news. Today, Terri was secretely moved back to the “hospice” where she had been left to starve and dehydrate. One of my friends at the Wanderer sent me some pretty troubling background information on this particular hospice. Nevertheless, according to Mike Schiavo et al, Terri is receiving fluids and feeding. But it shows that the culture of death still has a strong hold over the situation. The vigil, which had shut down last night, has now resumed.
Tomorrow I have to take Sonya up to Sarasota in the afternoon to pre-register at the hospital and visit the ob-gyn. Afterward, we hope to head up to the vigil and link up with Fr. Rob. (I say “hope to” because Sonya is now experiencing some stomach pains.) Until then, please keep praying.
As far as action alerts, what we need now is for people to contact the Attorney General’s office — both federal and for the State of Florida — and urge an independent investigation into Terri’s condition and possible abuse. Email Deal Hudson over at Crisis magazine and request that he use his political clout to lobby the President and Governor Bush to do the same. And please email Fox News and request that they keep investigating this.
Finally, I just email Karl Maurer and John Pacheco a pdf copy I have of Chris Ferrara’s ammended legal brief. It pretty much sums up all the alleged irregularities in this case. I’ve asked them to alert Carl Olson and Mark Shea if they can get it up on their website, so that we can blog a link ASAP.

Pictures From Terri’s Vigil

As promised, here are some pictures from the Vigil for Terri…….

Terri’s friends and family gather in front of the hospice to protest.

Monsignor at the press conference after he unsuccessfully tries to give Terri viaticum. The lady sitting next to him in the blue dress is Pat Anderson. She is the attorney for Terri’s family. Chris Ferrara credits her with being the heart, soul and backbone of the Terri’s legal team. Please keep her in prayer as well.

A young protester calls it as it is.

Terri’s father comforts Terri’s sister with hug after a tough day.

Open Letter to Governor Jeb Bush from Members of the Catholic Media

Open Letter to Governor Jeb Bush
Concerning Terri Schiavo
Dear Governor Bush:
As members of the Catholic media, we beg you, in the name of our Lord Jesus, to intervene in the case of Terry Schiavo, and, by extension, in the lives of the millions of persons with special needs in Florida and throughout our country whose lives will be greatly endangered if Ms. Schiavo is left to die, or, more accurately, murdered through the present withdrawal of food and water.
The judge in this case is acting on a remarkable doctrine: That food and water are medicines which may be granted or withheld based on a judicial order. What legal or moral authority gives anyone the right to withhold food and water from an innocent person? Starvation is a most painful and difficult death. If one were to propose it as a method of execution for death row prisoners, it would be instantly opposed by society under the Constitution’s prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment. If starvation is cruel and unusual punishment, it should not have the imprimatur of the State of Florida for any innocent citizen.
We admire your seeking the assistance of the St. Thomas More Society concerning what is legally just. And we are strengthened in our hearts by their response that, at the very least, you have the authority and the duty to protect her life and to conduct a proper and thorough investigation. We appreciate the difficulty of this matter and that the right course of action before God may not be the popular one in today’s culture.
The moral and just path, however, is clear to us who believe that human life is God’s to give and His alone to take. History has shown the truth of the statement, The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. We would go a step further in saying that those who have the power to do good, and yet do nothing, participate in the triumph of evil, whether or not their withholding of the good seeks or intends such evil.
It may be that our Lord has put you into office, like Queen Esther of old, for such a time as this . The God who saved Esther, and through her, the people of God, will not abandon you, dear Governor. He is faithful. May our Lord Jesus Christ be your comfort and guide in this urgent hour, and may you be His instrument to save the life of one of His little ones , and through her, the dignity of every soul made in His image.
With gratitude and prayer,
Rosalind Moss,
Catholic Author and Speaker
Father Richard John Neuhaus
Editor in Chief, FIRST THINGS
The Institute on Religion and Public Life
Pete Vere, Editor
The Alhambran Magazine
Mark Shea
Catholic Author and Speaker
Philip F. Lawler
Editor, Catholic World Report and Catholic World News
Carl Olson
Editor, Envoy Magazine
John Pacheco
Catholic Author and Speaker
Domenico Bettinelli, Jr
Managing Editor, Catholic World Report magazine
Amy Welborn
Columnist, Our Sunday Visitor
Martin K. Barrack
Catholic Author and Speaker
David Pearson
Features Editor, National Catholic Register
Mike Mohr
Chairman, St. Bernadette Soubirous Chapter of Catholics United for Faith
Dave Armstrong
Catholic Author and Speaker
Gerald Korson
Editor, Our Sunday Visitor
Steve Ray
Catholic Author and Television Host
Rod Bennett
Editor, WONDER Magazine
Matt C. Abbott
Columnist, the Wanderer
Tim Drake
Staff Writer, National Catholic Register
Dr. Paul Thigpen
Executive Director, The Stella Maris Center for Faith and Culture
Mary Kochan,
Contributing Editor, Catholic Exchange
Sandra Miesel
Catholic Journalist
David Moss
President, Association of Hebrew Catholics
Maureen and Robert Wittmann
Catholic authors and speakers
Steve Kellmeyer
Bridegroom Press
Mike Aquilina
Vice President, St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology
Mark Brumley
Catholic Author
Greg Popcak
Catholic Author and Radio Host
Patty Bonds
Catholic Author and Speaker
Jeff Cavins
Catholic Radio and Television Host
Fr. Joseph F. Wilson
Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn