Ottawa Catholic Light Gathering Tonight

Okay folks, Eric arrived here in our nation’s capital from his nation’s capital, minus some luggage. We will be meeting tonight at around 6:00 for some libations and dinner. We will be getting together at the Heart&Crown on 67 Clarence, in the Market. So for all our Ottawa readers, we look forward to seeing you there!

Yankee Go Frozen…

Look, I have a few questions about these Americans moving to Canada because they are disgruntled with the election. Why do all of them seem to be moving to Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, and Ottawa? These are the four biggest cities north of the US, and each of them has more in common with LA, New York and Chicago than they do the rest of Canada. So let`s stick some of these folks in the True North, Strong and Free and see how they survive in minus 40 weather. If they freeze to death, they are on their own — especially as there are no doctors to help defrost them outside of the four major cities.

Categorized as Culture War