Despite our differences over the Harry Potter series, I must agree with my fellow Canuck social commentator Michael O’Brien when he states Canada is in serious danger of becoming a totalitarian state.
Author: Pete Vere
The Exorcist passes away
(thanks Rich)
Fr. Halloran was a legend in the Diocese of Scranton where I lived and worked for over a year. Please pray for the repose of his soul.
“You’ve probably heard of “The Exorcist.” Father Halloran, who died Tuesday (March 1, 2005) at 83, was the last living Jesuit to be involved in an exorcism that took place in 1949 at a psychiatric unit in St. Louis. The incident provided the inspiration for William Peter Blatty’s 1971 runaway bestseller by that name, which led to the hit movie, and a few more of lesser box office appeal, including a recent prequel.”
20 Signs You’re Dealing with a Cult
Ever since I co-authored More Catholic Than the Pope with Patrick, people have asked me what to look for when evaluating a new religious movement. Here are twenty signs of trouble to look out for.
Please pray for Terri
On road in Northern Ontario. Internet access very limited. Please pray for Terri Schindler-Schiavo.
Sr. Lucia of Fatima, Pray for Terri Schiavo
As most of you reading this blog know, Sister Lucia of Fatima passed away this past Sunday, February 13th. Come this Tuesday, February 22nd, Michael Schiavo intends to withdraw the feeding tube from Terri Schindler-Schiavo. We need to invoke the intercession of Sr. Lucia immediately! Therefore, please pass around the following prayer
Merciful Father, you blessed Sr. Lucia of Fatima as a child with a vision of the Virgin Mary, and granted her the grace to live a life of holiness and heroic obedience to Holy Mother Church. By her life she bore witness to the glory of God. Grant, in this hour of need for your daughter Terri Schiavo, that by Sr. Lucia’s intercession, those souls hardened by the culture of death may come to believe in the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and be moved to revere and protect her life and all innocent human life. Amen.
Fr. Rob provides more information.