Thanks to Dom for alerting me about the following.
And thanks to the individual from inside the beltway, who wishes to remain nameless, who emailed me to let me know this would be looked after.
Author: Pete Vere
Homeless student punished for following Catechism…
…despite the fact his teachers begged for clemency, because it appears some county prosecutor wants to make a name for himself.
A five-year old girl says thanks…
Hat tip to
Ted Nugent is my hero!
Cool! Thanks to Republicans across the river, I got to meet fellow bow-hunter Ted Nugent. Here’s a picture of him autographing my membership card for an organization that supports hunters’ rights.
(Thanks to Dave Helwig at for snapping the above pic.)
Taking Dale Vree and NOR to the woodshed
Thanks Greg! At least someone recognizes that Canadians really are on the front lines of the culture war.