So much for “sensus fidelium”

I’m convinced that here in the United States, we have no “sensus fidelium” – no “sense of the faithful.”
Or perhaps – we have the sense of the marginal. The sense of the ill-informed. The sense of the folks who will darken a church door this Easter, and not return until Dec 24th out of some sort of misguided semi-annual obligation.

Because this Gallup poll wasn’t of active, faithful, prayerful Catholics who frequent the sacraments
I hate to say this, but if you are a marginal, sometimes-go-to-Mass “catholic” – what’s the first thing you would like to a pollster over the telephone about. That’s right: your regular Mass attendance.
Hey Gallup – why don’t you find a sample of Catholics who go to Eucharist Adoration at least once per month? Call my wife sometime- she’s there right now!

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