Alert for Mark Shea

Gay Brownshirts on the March
Of course Gov. Ehrlich of Maryland would throw a political appointee in front of a bus when he expressed his Catholic belief about homosexual behavior. He’s a Republican serving in a heavily democratic state.

Maryland Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. yesterday fired Robert J. Smith, his appointee on the Metro transit authority board, for referring to gay people as sexual deviants on a cable television show.
“Homosexual behavior, in my view, is deviant,” he said. “I’m a Roman Catholic.” Smith said his comments had been part of a discussion about a proposed ban on same-sex marriage. “The comments I make in public outside of my [Metro board job] I’m entitled to make,” he said. His personal beliefs, he said, have “absolutely nothing to do with running trains and buses and have not affected my actions or decisions on this board.”

I hope the Catholic League jumps all over this.


  1. The rest of the country is going to find out what it is like to live in a Lavender Dictatorship as we do in Mass. For example, a parent here went to school to complain about the pro-Homosexualist propaganda being forced on his child in public grammar school and wound up arrested.
    And, although the issue is much different, the basic problem remains–what do you do when a country goes as morally insane as 1930’s Germany did–so much so that the country is becoming one giant moral insane asylum with the insane running the institution and the normal, sane people being arrested and imprisoned.

  2. The rest of the country is going to find out what it is like to live in a Lavender Dictatorship…
    I live in Texas. We ain’t goin’ down without a fight.

  3. Smith appears to have made a remark in private for which he’s being pilloried. And of course he’s right about the deviant status of active homosexuals. But I wouldn’t be content with the Catholic League’s involvement in anything until Donnelly can manage to insulate himself from Republican Party and Evangelical interests. Between Neuhaus, Novak, Hudson and Donnelly we have something akin to the “German Church” of the 1930’s with it’s lickspittle attitude toward the Regime. Smith will need help from Catholics with something more in the way of independence and credibility than that natural to these imposters. I’m afraid I’ve had enough Justice Sundays and accomodating non-objections to stem cell compromise.
    John Lowell
    John Lowell

  4. Donohue, not Donnelly. But why bother getting the names right if you’re talking about brown-shirted bum-kissers?
    [sarcasm off]
    I’m not a fan of Mr. Donohue either, but Mr. Lowell’s rhetoric is outrageously inflammatory, besides being off-topic.
    We reserve the right to apply Godwin’s rule.

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