But Abraham said, “There is a great chasm between us”

John Foley, SJ and the other St. Louis Jebbies are interviewed in LA:

The Life Teen movement has been very interesting; it’s very powerful to see how parts of the Mass, especially the Eucharistic Prayer, become very holy to these youth. And to hear what they can do with older music — I once heard a reggae version of “One Bread, One Body” that I would have thought couldn’t be done, but it was, and done very well.

For some of us, singing OBOB in a reggae style would be a joke among the musicians, not something for the sacred liturgy. Blurring the line between satire and the Holy Mass is a risky idea.
No ganja during the postcommunion, please.
(via CWNews)


  1. Right. One question would be – where was the reggae version of the OBOB done? In Jamaica? Or in a suburban parish in the US?
    Does inculturation mean adapting local forms of worship to orient them in baby steps toward Rome, or does it mean taking a parish that is inarguably western and force-feeding it something outside of that because people think it’s cool?
    A side note: OBOB is a pretty stale, creaky little ditty that isn’t holding up to the test of time. And someone bothered making a reggae version? That’s it? We’re now getting remakes of the top 40 of the 70’s because creativity and imagination have sunk to new lows????
    Bah. At least my choir does Palestrina on a fairly regular basis.

  2. Are all those Jebbies still priests? Would it kill them to wear Roman collars for publicity photos, or does that separate them from “the people” too much?

  3. I think a reggae version would be an improvement over the traditional “Godspell” arrangement.
    Lots of reggae music quotes huge chunks of psalms and OT imagery, etc. It’s a more sacred treatment than the 70’s pop-ballad style of modern liturgical music, in my not-so-humble opinion.
    I’ll take Prince Fari over any of that felt-banner sound. :)

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