Scratch a moonbat, find a bigot

It didn’t take long before the Moonbat Left started employing anti-Catholicism against Judge Alito. No sooner was he nominated to the Supreme Court, but the loons on Daily Kos started hyperventilating about a CATHOLIC MAJORITY ON THE SUPREME COURT!!! They didn’t notice that Scalia and Kennedy often find themselves at odds, and neither of the judges use their religion to justify their rulings, as well they shouldn’t. (In fairness, several commenters dissented from this display of raw bigotry.)
Alito would join faithful Catholics Scalia, Thomas, and Roberts. That would make a 4-1 ratio of decent Catholics to Judases on the Court. Not as good as the 11-1 ratio at the Last Supper, but for a secular institution, not bad.


  1. A Catholic majority on the Supreme Court. So we’re looking at rulings that say homosexuality is illegal, unless it’s between a priest and an altar boy!

  2. Nah, the rack is too good for them homersexual sodomistic preeverts. Half of them would probably enjoy it anyway.
    Still, it is good to have at least one Moonbat acknowledge that homosexuality has something to do with The Situation.

  3. Does anyone doubt the sick liberal mentality that equates two Italian-Americans of conservative bent on the Supreme Court as “sloppy seconds.” This was the phrase used by CBS-TV’s John Roberts at a press conference today. If a conservative had said such a bigoted pig statement there would be a media furor and he would be looking at a pink slip. But liberals can parade their bigotry all they want to without a murmur from the secular
    media. And one wonders why Catholics and white ethnics have had it with liberals and their sick Democrat Party.

  4. It will be interesting to see if Alito is not just a faithful Catholic, but also a traditional (ie Tridentine Latin Mass-going) one, as Justice Scalia is reputed to be. Then you would have 2/9ths, or 22% of the SCOTUS, attending the old Mass. Now wouldn’t that be impressive?

  5. I guess that would be a nice nugget for the tridentine-attendees, but it doesn’t have too
    much to do with the court.
    I’m delighted by this appointment – like most conservatives, I was stunned when he nominated Miers and was delighted when she withdrew.

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