Catholic Seminaries – oversight and accountability

I’m sure most Catholic Light readers are all in favor of the Vatican reviewing American seminaries. While looking for “evidence of homosexuality” sounds outrageous to some, the Church needs an educational system that is capable of preparing men for life-long celibacy and fidelity to the Church.
A side benefit: you probably won’t hear any show tunes at Catholic seminaries any time soon. That’s what I call progress.


  1. That article is sloppily written — it doesn’t clearly distinguish between men who are committed to celebacy yet have an erotic inclination toward other men, and men who act on that inclination. The former, to my understanding, are not necessarily discouraged from the priesthood unless there is evidence they will be unable to live up to their vows. To ordain the latter group is unwise.

  2. I for one, have absolutely no confidence in the proposed seminary visitation that will take place shortly. To me, it is a waste of time, simply because the liberal seminaries and religious houses of formation are experts with regard to hiding their indiscretions and hetrodoxical practices when they are under the gun. Believe me they will employ their window dressings for the evaluators, and once those evaluators leave it will be business as usual. This coupled with the fact the the respective bishops who oversee these particular semiaries whether they be the local ordinary or function on a board of overseeers refuse to do anything with regard to the current state of affairs in seminary formation in the United States. In all probability this effort at reform will produce no reform and it has the propensity of being even more diasterous than the previous visitation. In the positive sense, it seems that the Lord is taking matters into his own hands, inthat the more liberal seminaries and houses of formation are experiencing decreases in enrollment and the median age of most priest in the more liberal religious orders is approimately 68-70 would indicate that these more liberal orders are dying a slow, painful, and agonizing death.

  3. I’d at least wait for some sign of an actual problem with the visitation before declaring things hopeless. So far, so goo, but keep your powder dry is a much more productive attitude in my opinion.

  4. I think this is way to late. There is already canon Law from 1961 in place preventing the ordination of gay seminarians, that was ignored from day one as the church with John XXIII wanted a liberal openminded priesthood after Vatican II, not to say that there were not some gay priests before 1962, but the explosion to date is amazing. Cant seem to go to a Novus Ordo mass anymore and either hear a priest with a heterosexual voice anymore, either the priests speak in broken english that I have no idea what they are saying and the sermon is a joke, or I hear a sermon and the priest sounds so effiminate that my wife and I just look at one another.
    I can only think that Traditional Chapels are the only place where one can once again get a true Catholic sermon (remember the word sin?>)with a priesthood that is not in sin.
    The devil has a stranglehold on our Priesthood, and to only go searching is like the salem witch trials. Let them die off.
    God bless

  5. Shame on the Catholic Church. I see this as a scapegoat for all of the travesty in the past. Homosexuals are NOT pedophiles. Nor is it a pyscological disorder. Why then condemn a group and assume that they will not take their vows seriously?
    This is a launching point for a witch hunt in the church and a defining moment for those (gay or not)that find the Catholic church to be less than “Christ” like in their practices. We are once again driving a wedge between communities and furthering ourselves from what it is to be Christion.
    Tsk Tsk!!!

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