Thomas Sowell on target

“Looking Back” over at Town Hall

What will future generations think when they see the front pages of our leading newspapers repeatedly preoccupied with whether we are treating captured cut-throats nicely enough? What will they think when they see the Geneva Convention invoked to protect people who are excluded from protection by the Geneva Convention?

And here’s a related story about how we can’t patrol our borders without wondering if we’re introducing non-indigenous plantlife into the desert! Give me a break!
Border Patrol Horses Get Special Feed


  1. Non-indigenous plantlife is a serious problem here in Arizona and you shouldn’t poo-poo it. The desert ecosystem is a fragile one and incursion by non-native species is wreaking havoc with it.

  2. Throughout history most civilations and countries have died or been wiped out because they embraced something on the inside that led to its destruction. Half of America–the liberal half mostly– hates America First–no matter what we do or how we handle a situation in our own self-defense.
    The liberal media is clearly the worst enemy of our country in all this. And T. Sowell’s column makes this abundently clear.

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