Prayer request for Tim Ferguson’s family

Please consider a prayer request from Tim Ferguson, Catholic Light reader, friend of Pete Vere, and one of the new friends I met when I was in Ottawa earlier this year. His father, William, just discovered that he has lung cancer that has spread to his brain. To make matters worse, Tim’s sister Martha is finishing a regimen of chemotherapy for breast cancer, and his mother has just left the hospital because of heart trouble.
May God bless and protect your family from their physical ailments, Tim, and give you comfort as you witness their suffering. I will pray for them in front of the Blessed Sacrament this weekend, and I ask anyone else reading this to do the same.


  1. Thanks for your prayers and support. Dad seems to be doing well, he’s not in pain, and the medication has relieved some of the pressure and made his mobility better. The long term prognosis is still not rosy, but I’m relieved to know he’s in good spirits, Mom is taking it well also, and all my brothers and sisters have been around this weekend. I’ll be finishing up school this week and so won’t be able to get there until next week (which is frustrating to me, but I’m putting it all in Mary’s hands). I’m trying to keep focused on praying for God’s will rather than my desires.

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