
Will St. Faustina get to take the Pope home?


  1. From St Faustinas Dairy:
    “I bear a special love for Poland and if she will be obedient to My will, I will exalt her in might and holiness. From her will come forth the spark that will prepare the world for My final coming” (Diary 1732).
    This has a tremendous impact for us Poles, we are losing our Father, brother and beloved Patriot who led us out of bondage from the communist regime. Much parallel to Moses as he led the chosen people out of bondage.
    Dearest Holy FAther.. may your journey home be peaceful may the trumpets sound and the angels rejoice upon your entry into the heavenly kingdom!

  2. John Paul II loves our Mother so much, he has been the Pope of the rosary. He prayed the rosary daily and encouraged us all to do so. Those of us who pray the rosary daily know that Mary promises to be with us at the hour of our death! How awesome is that!!! I like to think that Mary will take his frail hand, and present him at full strength and beauty to her precious Son! (peaceful) sigh.

  3. May the road rise up to meet you,
    the wind always be at your back,
    the sun shine upon your sweet face,
    the rains always fall softly on your fields,
    may God hold you in the palm of His hand

  4. It was an honor to see the Pope when he came to Philadelphia in 1979. I saw him from a second floor window at my job as he came up the street. He later celebrated Mass on the Parkway. I remember on the way home – the el was so quiet and yet so crowded – there was a sense of holiness in the air. It was a surreal moment that I will never forget. May he rest in peace with the Father above and pray for us here below.

  5. I was 17 and a Junior in High school when John Paul became pope. I came home from school and my mother was so excited. We have a Polish Pope she shouted! Mom was of Polish decent so this was a great moment for her. I think I admire the Pope for his strength and sensitivity. He held fast to his faith and beliefs. He held with the views and traditions of the Church never waivering. He was compassionate and always looked for the good in others and found it.
    John Paul faithful servant of God and Our Lady be at peace. I know that heaven welcomes you tonight with open arms. Son of Poland and the world watch over Gods children here on earth and pray for us. We love you rest in peace.

  6. I think the Holy Mother will be waving souls and angels out of the way at the gate, pushing through the crowd, calling, “Move over now, my children! I need to hold this son of mine! And bring him to the throne, for my Son and his Father are waiting!”
    Pray for us, John Paul the Great!

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