Threatened with Arrest

Canada is now facing the largest political corruption scandal in its history. Unfortunately, I cannot post the details because the judiciary has threatened to arrest and charge any Canadian media representatives (including bloggers) who post the details. This comes after an American blogger leaked some really scary alleged details.
I spoke with my own lawyer last night and she warned me to stay away, even though Catholic Light is an American blog. Basically, if I understand correctly, everyone else on Catholic Light can link to the story except me. Here is a story on Canadian bloggers being threatened by legal action as reported in the Toronto Sun


  1. Man, that’s ridiculous! This story hasn’t attracted much attention down here yet, so here are some links from MSM about it: CBC (and again), G&M. In short, it seems to be a story of federal money going to favored ad agencies making alleged illegal contributions to the Liberal Party.
    US libertarian blogger Ed Morrissey has published information from testimony by one of the ad execs involved, and followed up with more info over the past few days. Instapundit Glenn Reynolds has more links and comments.

  2. When Michael Brown wrote “Eclipse of the Sun” about Canada becoming a totalitarian state, I thought he must have been crazy to think our neighbors to the north would have earned that distinction before the USA.
    Obviously I underestimated my neighbors… eh?

  3. I’ve been tempted to ask you Americans to come up and help us out for awhile now. We’ll give it another try democratically – if that doesn’t work, have your high school football teams ready to charge up here on my word ;)
    (David, that’s Michael O’Brien who wrote Eclipse of the Sun)

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