Ministry for travelling Catholic

I’m going to Orlando in two weeks (against my will) and need to find a place to hear Mass. Since the school group I’m chaperoning will be staying in (in, I say) the HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH I thought there might be a weekly Mass on the property, but the Diocese no longer has a Mass for tourists.
I’m considering Mary, Queen of the Universe Shrine, which developed as a church for tourists, as well as St. Nicholas Byzantine because I wouldn’t anticipate liturgical shenanigans there.
Can anyone recommend a church close to the Black Hole o’ Disney?


  1. We’ve been to Mary, Queen of the Universe and were pleasantly surprised. It was about a year and a half ago, but I seem to remember a beautiful church building, a good, clear homily, and excellent music. You could do a lot worse, especially in Florida.

  2. Disney used to bring in priests at their resort hotels for visiting Catholics, but one person who witnessed one told me that the priest came out with a stole that had Mickey and Minnie on it and began the Mass saying, “It’s Mickey’s Mass!” Scary.

  3. I would suggest that you ask either Steven Riddle (flos carmeli) or Bill Luse (Apologia) for suggestions, given that they live in that area. Or maybe the Curt Jester might have some suggestions as well. You might even have the opportunity for a blogger meet up…….

  4. Brian,
    I have heard good things about the shrine from a priest that I know who has vacationed at the happiest place on earth with his family… best of luck!

  5. I visited this church last December while I was visiting my parents in Leesburg and I was truly edified by the Hispanic priest. I was especially happy to hear the excellent homily on the history of and the importance of correctly understanding the teaching on the Immaculate Conception. I saw a priest who truly loved the people of his parish and expressed that love with Truth. But the problem is that it is about an hour’s drive from Orlando.

  6. I was in Orlando last week for a brief vacation. Since I am a priest and was vacationing with priests, we had no trouble saying Mass. We did go to the Shrine on our last day. It is a very well-done Church (despite the fact that it is just over ten years old), the staff was very accomodating and allowed us to say Mass (after we presented the proper credentials) I got the impression that you wouldn’t be subject to many liturgical shenanigans there – of course, we didn’t have to worry, since we said the Mass! But they happily provided us with the proper vessels (sterling and gold-plated sterling) and vestments (chasuble AND stole – not those silly overlay stoles either!) which suggests to me that the priests assigned there must take seriously the Sacred Liturgy. Hope it works out well.

  7. Hi,
    Just browsing through and saw your post about looking for a church in Orlando.
    I must say first of all that I am biased, because I am Byzantine, but I think your choice of St. Nicholas Byz. Catholic Church is a good one! My family and I have been there several times when visiting the area and have never been disappointed.

  8. Don’t overlook the Cathedral of Saint James, downtown, good music, and if Father McCormick is preaching you will get a homily of substance and passion.
    And the music is superb, if a choir alumnus may say so.

  9. One of my ministries is to assist members of the PBR to find a Catholic Church in the area of their next event. What I do is find the zip code for the hotel where the cowboys are staying. I then put that zip code into which will give me a list of Catholic churches in the area. I then use mapquest to find directions to the closest one. Whenever you are traveling this is a good practice to find a Catholic Church.

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