Say hello to Baby Johnson

new Johnson baby
This is the latest member of the Johnson family. Ain’t he or she cute?
We haven’t decided whether to find out what the sex is yet. But the baby is healthy, and that’s all that really matters.


  1. What a miracle…. :)
    (By the way, did you see the article, probably buried on page 14 of your paper, that deals with life at conception?? The title read: Ruling: Embryo is a human being. (Apparently an employee at a fertility clinic “forgot” to place a baby in frozen storage…and the couple sued.) Interesting and hopeful I should say! Hugs to the wifey.

  2. If you don’t mind my asking, Eric … and please understand that what follows is me speaking in terms of generic human psychology, not you and your wife personally.
    But it seems to me that the only reason to be reluctant to gain knowledge via an ultrasound — the risk of creating a temptation toward abortion — is actually far greater in the case of diagnosing a baby’s health than of knowing its sex. In the case of health, there’s at least the potential to learn something catastrophic and fearsome, and thus potentially self-rationalizing. A baby’s sex is a thing indifferent in this matter — it’s not as if there’s some People’s Revolutionary Committee or an English king around, with the power to force an abortion or behead your wife if the baby is the wrong sex.

  3. But it seems to me that the only reason to be reluctant to gain knowledge via an ultrasound
    That’s not true. Some people would prefer to be surprised concerning the gender of their baby at birth like in “the good old days” before ultra-sounds.
    BTW, congratulations, Eric, on the newest member of your family! He (or she) is cute.

  4. May your child be blessed with and abundant life, full of faith and love.
    I remember when I first saw my son like this. I couln’t help but cry at the miracle of life. It’s the most wonderful blessing we can have.
    Oh, and let it be a surprise. Finding out the sex just ruins the fun!

  5. Not knowing the sex of the baby is what makes it an extra special ‘birth’ day present…when we receive gifts on our birthdays we don’t ask what’s inside…
    Just a thought, feel free to ignore me :)
    God Bless.

  6. Thank you to everyone. Victor, we’re simply reluctant because it might diminsh the wonder of having a child (and wonder is intimately tied up with mystery, I believe).

  7. I love it when a patient decides to keep the surprise factor intact. It is really rare these days. As a matter of fact, I have had moms throw tantrums because I wouldn’t authorize a completely unnecessary repeat US just to find out the what color clothes to buy for baby. (not all babies allow their genitals to be ‘photographed’ by the US machine. And we have a surprise every 14 months or so – the US said one thing, baby turns out to be the other.
    BTW, I’m betting it’s a girl. Guess we’ll know in about 20some weeks!

  8. Yes, we’re aware of the false sexing too, and that’s one more (small) reason. Besides, I just painted the nursery yellow a few months ago, and we already have boy and girl baby clothes, so materially it doesn’t really matter.
    Is your work influencing your opinion, Alicia? I think you’re right, but it’s much more subjective: every time my wife has been pregnant, my intuition has been correct. You might think that’s silly, but the odds are only 1 in 16 that I would randomly guess correctly.

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