Poll: What’s more dangerous to Western Civilization?

Islam or the homosexual lobby?


  1. TPFKAC,
    you forgot to add the line: “mwahahahaha” which, written whilst twirling your handlebar mustache, would make people think you really may be a bad canon lawyer.
    As to the substance of the post, I think I’m going to have to disagree with Mr. Wilson, and lean towards the homosexual lobby, since threats to the Church from the outside have tended to make the Church stronger (Persian Empire notwithstanding) while threats and corruption coming from within have been very difficult to deal with.

  2. I agree with Tim regarding threats from the inside vs. threats from the outside. That goes double if you add in other corruptions to the Church from within, e.g., the pro-abortion lobby, liberal theologians, dissident groups like VOTF, etc. When it comes right down to it, I’d prefer to see western civilization overrun by barbarians than be turned into something wholly despicable from within.

  3. Agree with those listing homosexual lobby, for the same reasons. Plus, the problem of homosexuality is that it seems more innocuous and subtle – what does it hurt you, etc. The Islamic threat is more obvious and therefore more likely to be seen for what it is.

  4. Geez, 5-1 in favor of the homosexual lobby as being a greater threat than Islam?
    I’m frankly stunned, particularly since the question was worded “more dangerous to Western Civilization,” not “more dangerous to men’s souls” or “more dangerous to Christianity/the Church.”
    I carry no brief for the Film Actors Guilds or where at this moment they might want to take Western Civ (and are taking it). But the gay lobby doesn’t generally do anything that we don’t want them to or let them. I’m not arguing from this to a libertarian “and therefore it’s OK” point, but to point out that in that sense, it’s no more than a symptom of a more-general corruption (albeit a self reinforcing one). But Islam seeks an apocalyptic showdown with Western Civ. I mean, that was not the Gay Men’s Chorus in Beslan, or the Human Rights Campaign in Madrid or the producers of Will & Grace in Bali or even ACT-UP at the World Trade Center.
    Further, homosexuality at least CAN be accommodated within Western Civ (as a private sin, a pastoral issue and a source of culture), because … well at some or another sense, it always has been a part of Western Civ.
    In contrast, Islam is by nature and self-understanding an all-conquering Other waiting to remake West in the Image of Islam and rename Rome as it did Constantinople.
    As for the point about threats from the outside prompting strength and being more likely to be seen for what they are. I can only go — huh? In THIS day and age? The time of rampant Chomskyite Dhimmitude and advanced Martinoist Appeasement?

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