New Blog for Canadian Republicans

Over the past year, an ideological debate has slowly heated up among conservative Canadian bloggers. While constitutional monarchists continue to hold the status quo among conservative Canadians, the republican movement is growing. Yet rather than inflict this internal debate to conservative Canadian Catholics on our mostly American audience here at Catholic Light, I’ve decided to put together a new blog called Canadian Republic.


  1. Very interesting blog; I’ve already bookmarked it. But Pete, please lose the black background. It’s not exactly easy on the eyes.

  2. The bottom line is that Canadians must be persuaded to support the social conservative agenda as a priority. I am afraid that republicanism is a distraction. After all don’t some of your problems date from the adoption of a written constitution in the 80’s that blessed you with an American style Supreme Court? You might as well try to convince Canadians that they should petition the US to be admitted into the Union. For that matter, the obsession of Anglophone Canada with keeping Quebec in the Confederation at any price has proven to be a major distraction from the primary tasks of government, e.g., fostering virtue in society.

  3. It is hardly a distraction to those of us Americans concerned about what happens on the north side of the local state border, and in your capital to the east of us.

  4. Hi folks. Basically, our constitutional monarchy has been so corrupted that barring Divine Intervention it will be impossible to re-establish social conservative principles without first becoming a republic.

  5. From a distance, it seems to me that Canadian politics revolves around patronage, pork barrel, the government monopoly on health care and holding two distinct peoples together in one sovereign state. In such an environment, social conservative concerns are a annoying distraction to politicians. They would really rather have the courts remove such issues from the political arena so they can line their pockets. Canadian voters, conservative or not, simply do not care enough about abortion and preserving marriage to put these matters at the top of the agenda.

  6. From a distance, it seems to me that Canadian politics revolves around patronage, pork barrel, the government monopoly on health care and holding two distinct peoples together in one sovereign state.

    Close up and personal, it seems much the same way.

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