Hollywood to make a pro-military Iraq War film: how innnnnteresting

I’ve been wondering when they’d make a movie about anything related to the War on Terror, and shockingly enough, Hollywood is on the verge of starting one. Even more shockingly, the story will be written by a former Marine who observed the battle for Fallujah, and the Marines will be the good guys. And it won’t star some second-rate has-been, but Harrison Ford. Granted, Ford is about 137 years old now, but still. Read about it in the Guardian here and here.
It is impossible to make a movie about Marines that don’t make them look like badasses. Even when the Marine is the bad guy, as in the colonel in “A Few Good Men” and the drill instructor in “Full Metal Jacket,” he ends up being strangely compelling. Plus, the spectacle of Marines administering some rough justice to murderous thugs should be interesting to a lot of people. I mean, the insurgents actually do wear black, kill humanitarian aid workers, and beat women for not dressing properly. You can’t make up bad guys like that.
Meanwhile, in other film news, Oliver Stone proved that anti-anti-terrorism is the new anti-anti-Communism. He has apologized for the 1979 movie “Midnight Express,” which portrayed Turkish prisons as unpleasant places, and Turkish justice as, shall we say, unenlightened by liberal standards. By this schedule, that means in just seven years, Stone will apologize to the U.S. Army for “Platoon,” and in 25 years he will apologize to Greeks for “Alexander.” I would like a personal apology for the time I accidently watched 10 minutes of “Natural Born Killers” while flipping through channels in a hotel room.


  1. Eric,
    just outta curiosity what year, bn, co were you in at PI?
    We were on the field for 3 years at PI..BEST duty station we ever had..
    91-94 ; 2nd Bn; F Co.

  2. We may have overlapped: I was at Parris Island from January 30-April 26, 1991. I was in platoon 2045, which was 2nd Battalion, Echo Company. PI did seem like a nice place to live, provided you weren’t a recruit….

  3. Sean was just graduating DI school in April.. I remember getting there and thats when they found that recruit that attempted to swim his way home through the march.. Tides must have come in if the gators didnt get him first. I just recall they found his body..
    Echo.. right across the street from Fox.. I recall those days all too well.
    2nd BN rocked when we were there..
    well Merry Chistmas ERic.. Semper Fi from this USMC Wife…

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