Harry Reid for Judiciary Chairman?

John. J. Miller cites some NRLC ratings at The Corner:

In the 105th, 106th, and 107th Congresses, Reid actually earned a higher pro-life rating than Specter. Imagine that: the Democrats’ minority leader is more consistently pro-life than the Republican who is next in line to chair the Judiciary Committee.


  1. The only reason Reid had a lower score than Specter in the 108th congress is because the absurd emphasis the NRLC put on the President’s Medicare bill in their 108th congress score-card. Two out of eleven of their criteria were based on support for that bill, only a small part of which can be argued to have anything directly to do with the life issues. Take that away and Reid scores higher than Specter in the 108th congress too.
    Not that I think Reid will really try to steer the Senate dems in a pro-life direction; if he would, he’d certainly not be allowed to become Minority Leader. But it should put the Republicans who support Specter to shame.

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