1. Run again? If running a liberal Mass. Sen. whose principles are a moving target was a bad idea in 2004, it’ll be an idiotic one in 2008. If the Anybody But Bush vote didn’t exist, he would have gotten smashed a week ago rather than merely beat. It won’t exist in 2008.
    On second thought, let me be the first one to volunteer for Kerry ’08. In my spare time I’ll also be starting a grassroots campaign to keep Terry McAuliffe as DNC chairman. ;)

  2. In the words of John Kerry: Bring! It! On!
    One thing that was never adequately explored in the election coverage was that Kerry has shown minimal leadership throughout his career. Read about his Senate record on his campaign Web site if you don’t believe me: his biggest leadership accomplishment was serving as chairman of the Senate Small Business Committee. An important post, I’m sure, but not exactly a training ground for the Oval Office. At least Bob Dole was Senate majority leader when he ran for president.
    Now Kerry wants to be a leader? Why? By all accounts, he is an indifferent legislator, widely regarded by friend and foe alike as a preening, self-important gasbag. To confirm this, he seems to think that the crowds cheering him actually liked him.
    Kerry invokes Reagan’s two unsuccessful runs at the presidency as evidence that you can win after losing. But Ronald Reagan stood for a whole constellation of principles, while John Kerry stands for John Kerry. The time to be “fired up” about issues was in 1984 when he was elected to the Senate, not 2004 when you’re coming off a thorough drubbing at the polle.
    Goodnight, sir, and take your odd “wife” with you.

  3. Coward, I’ll help you. I e-mailed a Democrat friend last week saying that McAuliffe was the best DNC chairman that Republicans have ever had. He was not amused.

  4. Eric, this is priceless: “By all accounts, he is an indifferent legislator, widely regarded by friend and foe alike as a preening, self-important gasbag.”

  5. Coward, I’ll help you. I e-mailed a Democrat friend last week saying that McAuliffe was the best DNC chairman that Republicans have ever had. He was not amused.
    I just love someone who can stick a good routine like Terry can:
    1. Lose.
    2. Declare victory.
    3. Repeat.


    However, if Ronald Reagan was the ’76 nominee and lost to Jimmy Carter he surely would not have been able to do it again in 1980. John Kerry had his chance – it is time for him let another Democrat get a stab at it.

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