Snooty school gives margaritas to kids

The Alexandria Day School, where tuition is about $15,000 a year, accidently served margaritas to its students at lunch. The school had to issue an apology to parents.
I don’t see what the big deal is — if you’re charging fifteen grand to teach multiplication tables to 8-year-olds, I think the kids should drink for free.


  1. I was wondering why a pitcher of margaritas was stored in the fridge… you would think they would have the good sense to either finish it or put a post-it on it that says… “For After School! :)”

  2. I’m curious, how did the kids react? I had my first sip of alcohol at 10, and swore “never again.” And even today, tequila has zero appeal to me as the smell is reminiscent of a pair of socks after three days of continual hiking.

  3. I kind of liked the way the parents reacted. Paying alot of tuition does not make you snooty. Maybe the school is over priced but they didn’t sound snooty to me in the article.

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