Johnny Ramone — Political Conservative and Godfather of Punk

Man, it has been a rough summer with two of my conservative heroes passing away. The first, of course, is former president Ronald Reagan. The other, last Thursday, is Johnny Ramone — the godfather of punk. So I have spent most of the day listening to the Ramones while judging annulments.

Johnny, I hope you made your peace with Our Lord Jesus Christ before passing on. May your soul, and the soul of all the faithfully departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.


  1. For some reason, annulments being judged with the Ramones playing in the background gave me a good laugh. It goes back to my opinion of the whole annulment situation. Actually, I imagine you to be a fair judge. Also, may Johnny rest in peace.

  2. I’m just catching up on my internet surfing, so I’m probably way behind in this comment, but, Pete, when you were listening to the Ramones and processing annulments, were you singing, “I want to be sanated?”

  3. ROTFLMAO! Darn, Tim, I just spit a mouthful of good wine out on the screen. Guess I better explain this to rest of our readers. Tim is also a canonist. “Sanation/sanated” is a canonical term that applies to invalid marriages. Thus Tim punned one of the Ramones’s greatest hits, namely, “I wanna be sedated”.

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