Dubious Achievements in Health Ministry

St. Joseph Hospital in Nashua, NH runs a community outreach program called the “Parish Nurse Center for Wellness”. The hospital reports:

2003 Accomplishments:
(1) Continued program development including screenings, classes, health fairs, held at the Parish Nurse Center for Wellness. Expanded current program offerings and increased total class enrollments 10% over prior year.
(2) Partnered with NH Technical College massage therapy students to begin offering free massage therapy services at the Parish Nurse Center for Wellness.
(3) Completed Reiki training, became certified Reiki providers, began offering Reiki twice per month at the Parish Nurse Center for Wellness….

Former “new age healer” Clare McGrath Merkle tells what Reiki is about and why it’s not really a good idea for Catholic hospitals to offer it.


  1. I work at the secular hospital in that town. In it’s favor, St Joe’s does offer excellent NFP classes with a wonderful teacher. But there is not a single NFP only OB in the entire state of NH. Please keep praying that the “Catholic” in Catholic hospitals will once again mean something.

  2. I have first hand knowledge of Reiki, and I assure you that it is incompatible with being a Christian. Lets leave it at that.

  3. I have no knowledge of Reiki other than this very informative post, so how about the comments be informative too? It’d be interesting to hear some reasoning for/against.

  4. For Justin: the problem w/ reiki is manifold, but basically we are talking about an occult or hidden wisdom/technique.
    This power, described as a kind of intelligent energy, bestowed upon initiates, should be suspect to Catholics who believe in a spirit world where not all spirits are good.

  5. The Franciscan nuns up on the hill in this small city are heavily into Reiki, and teach it to children.
    Their history is interesting. In the middle of the 19th century, Sister Alfred was driven out of two diocese who wouldn’t let her start a convent. So she came to where there was yet no bishop and started it here.
    It is a really nice, beautiful facility. I wish the Church could take it over.

  6. I was “attuned” by a Reiki master. This is a sort of strange secret ceremony. You must pay to be attuned, so it is tainted by simony. Reiki alleges that a properly attuned person (such as me!) can restore “balance” or some such nonsense to your ailing body. Its a fraud at the least!

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