Screw you if you’re not for peace and love!

The forces of diversity, tolerance, acceptance, peace, and love are on the prowl in Manhattan:

When marchers approached the Garden, a police detective was knocked off his scooter. He was then repeatedly kicked and punched in the head by at least one male demonstrator, the police said….
As delegate buses arrived at the Garden yesterday afternoon, protesters who had gathered for a demonstration screamed obscenities and gestured rudely at them. When the police spotted Pete Coors, a Republican candidate for Senate from Colorado, walking near the group, they swiftly steered him away….
Some delegates seemed perplexed, even hurt, not because they did not expect protesters to be here, but because they did not expect them to get personal. “They were using foul language, getting real ugly,” said Kim Kirkwood, a delegate from Amarillo, Tex. Her husband, Jim, said he could not understand it. “I have friends who are Democrats in Texas, and we talk about things, agree to disagree.”

The Left talks about respecting others’ points of view just long enough to gain power, at which time they don their boots and stomp on the others’ faces. When they get desperate after being out of power for years, they start screaming and attacking.
Does anyone else notice a (less violent) parallel between the secular Left and the Catholic Left? As their hold on seminaries, universities, chanceries, and other Catholic institutions wanes, they are getting ever more shrill and defensive. Here’s a great example: look at the articles lamenting the orthodoxy of young priests. Even the New York Times has noticed that the typical ordinand these days ain’t exactly Daniel Berrigan.


  1. Odd. From the article on the protests on the National Catholic Reporter website, I envisioned thousands of saints, humbly making their voices heard in favor of peace, love and groovy tunes.
    This article you’re posting must be some sort of biased Bush-ite screed, implying that protesters behaved in an “ugly” way or that anyone might have been hurt.

  2. What, Mio, you didn’t know that the New York Times is part of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy? They are a big corporation; big corporations automatically support Republicans; therefore, they support Republicans. QED.

  3. groovin on a sunday afternoon……the left has almost destroyed the catholic chruch in america….the same intent is roving the streets of manhattan……..the two have blended together to create a John Kerry.

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