Marc Balestrieri on FNC Friday night

The lay canonist charging John Kerry with heresy was interviewed on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity & Colmes” show tonight. The show will be repeated later on for us night-owls.


  1. Colmes questioned Marc B. on his suit and tossed the usual objections at him: equating death-penalty support with supporting abortion, etc.

  2. Colmes is so unoriginal…
    Perhaps he’s just there to make Hannity look good; it’s the only reason I can think of why he hasn’t been given his walking papers.

  3. I didn’t watch, but I pray that Marc did well. Sometimes, I think Alan Colmes is a ringer to make the liberal side look dumb.

  4. It’s economics. Fox News Channel has a viewership of conservatives and independents. A serious left-wing presence wouldn’t attract many liberal viewers, since they’re already getting their fix from CNN and the networks, and might make the programs less palatable to conservatives.
    Someone might say: “What about serious intelligent, informative news and debate? What about balanced journalism?” You won’t find the former on cable news anywhere (or on the networks); the television medium, which relies mainly on soundbytes and five minute discussions, just isn’t suited for it. As for the latter, I’m not sure it exists anywhere. Fox News isn’t any worse than CNN (it might even by better), but it’s “Fair and Balanced” slogan is BS and highly hypocritical.

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