Midnight thought

As I monitor a server at work, a thought fluttered into my head:
Political conservatives keep saying that “Farenheit 9/11” won’t affect the election because Michael Moore is a paranoid buffoon. However, the movie is apparently doing quite well.
By most people’s reckoning, the presidential election will be decided by a slim margin, and by people who make up their minds at the last minute, despite the wealth of information they have about both candidates, their records, and their positions. These are people who don’t know much about national affairs, and who will make their decision based on television ads or other ephemera.
So the election may very well be decided by the ignorant and the easily duped. From what I’ve read, only the ignorant and the easily duped will be persuaded by Moore’s movie. Therefore, it could very well decide the next election. Think about it….


  1. It’s very possible, sadly, that Moore’s propaganda film could be a factor in the election. I haven’t seen the movie and don’t plan to, but have not been surprised to see that it’s doing well. Seeing one Moore film (Canadian Bacon) was enough and I’m not going to waste a cent seeing another.
    We’ll have to wait for next week to get a sense of how much of the attendance is liberals going to get stoked and to help the movie succeed. But the media have been treating the film as a major event, which could well increase wider interest.
    I stand by my argument of a few weeks ago that the only reason anyone has heard of the talentless and self-absorbed Michael Moore is the fact that the media agree with his politics, and he’s useful to their purposes.
    But once someone has been flayed into a well-known figure, even artificially, they can be a factor. Another reason to pray and offer asceticisms for a Bush victory.

  2. I hear the ghost of Lincoln speaking: you can fool some of the people all the time…..all the people some of the time….but you can’t fool all the people all the time…….Michael Moron is right behind The Passion as of Sunday afternoon…it is as it should be…..

  3. It’s sad to me that people censor themselves – e.g., Michael Moore’s film.
    The America I know is one where people actually consider other points of view. Unlike some comments on this thread, I saw Fahrenheit 9/11… Do I agree with everything in it? Will it change my vote? Of course not. But, at least I can have a cogent discussion on the movie because I saw it.
    Why are people so afraid of ideas that contradict their own? If your position is strong, films like Fahrenheit 9/11 will only add to it, not detract. Furthermore, when someone [who is ignorant] talks to you about the film, you can actually explain your [stronger] point of view.
    The America of today seems to be: make your decision about whether to view/read/hear something based on second-hand information you read on some blog or heard on Fox News. Talk about being duped.

  4. Dale Earnhardt Jr encouraged his crew to see it. It won’t kill you.
    thelrd in TEXAS

  5. I am sure F911 is to liberals what The Passion is to Christians. I doubt it will change too many people’s minds – most will get out of it what they take in with them. I wonder if any noecons snuck in on private screenings?

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