Matthew Stepanek, RIP

I saw a retrospective of this young fella on the Today Show this morning. I’ve never read his poems so I can’t comment on his message in detail, but he seemed like a wonderful kid who did his best to bring light to the world in the time he had.
Here’s the WashPost article.

1 comment

  1. Good bye Mattie…you are a shining inspiration to the world. Your legacy will brighten the darkness, and bring smiles to hearts for years to come. You have set an example set in stone, for others to follow. You are the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Well pal, it’s time to cash in the gold and be free of the bonds of this life. Fly free and may God bless you abundantly. May the peace you gave us comfort us in your absence.
    Pax et Bonum+

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