Time to instruct the ignorant

Professor Edward Peters, in his usual lucid manner, dispels a cardinal’s misunderstandings about whether it is proper to admit or bar pro-abortion politicians from Holy Communion.


  1. Is it just me or do I sadly note that many, if not most, of the errant Bishops, Cardinals, etc. appear to be of Irish heritage (i.e., Mahoney, O’Malley, McCarrick, and a lot more whose names escape me at the moment)? BTW, all 4 of my grandparents emigrated from the Emerald Isle so there’s no bad intent on my part.
    Then, again, there was Cardinal O’Connor, Archbishop Sheen, Cardinal Cooke….but that was what was.
    And, now I hear that the clergy in Ireland have voted in a poll that they want to marry and admit women to the priesthood.
    Or, is it just me?

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