Help with Business School Project

Hi there. Here’s the bleg of all blegs.
Do you like Pepsi? If so, please complete this survey and be sure to choose Pepsi in the first question. I have plenty of coke data, now I need Pepsi data.
Please take a moment to help a brother out. It will take only 5 minutes, I’m sure.
Survey is at this link.


  1. John is serious. I did it for him, because I’m his friend. You should do it because it’s the right thing to do.

  2. And what about Dr Pepper?
    By the way, John, this is not an ideal way to get sample data: self-selected participants are not representative of the population at large.

  3. Oh RC. That is why we needed to do the t-test and refuse to reject the null hypothesis if the p value was more than .05.

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