Which is worse?

I watched about 10 minutes of Hannity and Colmes last night and finally couldn’t take it any more.
Here’s the question: What’s worse? Calling someone a crook or calling someone a [name describing a posterior region]?
Both Bush and Kerry have committed verbal gaffes, thinking they were off mic and off camera. Bush and Cheney agreed back in the last campaign that a certain NYT reporter had some personality deficiencies. Kerry’s comment calls into question the moral behavior of Bush & Friends.
Why these things are treated equally among the talking heads is beyond me.


  1. I can’t stand election years. As a matter of fact, I can’t stand politics. The last 2 Presidential elections, I promised myself that I wouldn’t get wrapped up in either of them. Just give me my pro-life voter’s guide, and I’m all set. Yet I get sucked into it every time. Oy yoy yoy!!

  2. It’s clear to me which is worse. On the one hand, you have Bush calling a reporter a jerk in colorful language (and the reporter very well may have been a jerk) and on the other Kerry calling the opposite party the biggest bunch of liars around (which is really psychological projection, but we won’t get into that right now). Clearly Kerry’s statement was the worse, even though his didn’t “cuss”.

  3. What’s the big deal? Bush called someone a “major-league cassarole,” and everyone got so upset.

  4. It’s okay for and expected that both liberal and conservative Dems and Republican pols slam the press in private for being a-holes.
    It’s fun to beat up on the press and somewhat nonpartisan to do so.

  5. Just another example that every media (except C-SPAN) organization is more worried about sensationalism and ratings than providing actual information. It kinda makes election year just that little bit more disheartening to hear that the media actually covers this sort of inconsequential garbage over and over and over and…

  6. I really don’t see what the big deal is about either of their comments. Everyone makes remarks in anger, and perhaps they shouldn’t. But they do. I think it’s unfair to hold these remarks against either candidate.

  7. There are better reasons for turning off Hannity and Colmes; you picked on one of their venial sins.
    Thelrd in TEXAS

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