Senator Kerry, Man of the People, con’d

More clues as to how Senator John “F-ing” Kerry treats the “little people”:

[On his next ski run], a reporter and a camera crew were allowed to follow along on skis — just in time to see Mr. Kerry taken out by one of the Secret Service men, who had inadvertently moved into his path, sending him into the snow.
When asked about the mishap a moment later, he said sharply, “I don’t fall down,” then used an expletive to describe the agent who “knocked me over.”
The incident occurred near the summit. No one was hurt, and Mr. Kerry came careering down the mountain moments later, a look of intensity on his face, his lanky frame bent low to the ground.

Amazing how one little detail — and in the New York Times! — can convey so much. The subtext of so many of Kerry’s speeches is, “I never make mistakes, I know better than you, I’m smarter than you, and therefore I should be in charge and you better not get in my way.” People might not understand the finer nuances of national policies, but they know they don’t like pompous asses. That’s the kind of thing President Bush would just laugh off with a joke.
P.S. Note to Senator Kerry: personally insulting your bodyguards is a bad idea on many levels.


  1. Note to Senator Kerry: personally insulting your bodyguards is a bad idea on many levels.
    I wonder if the Secret Service agent will think twice about knocking Kerry down when bullets start to fly because of this. Remember: Kerry doesn’t like to be knocked down, and he never ever falls.
    That is, assuming that Kerry isn’t so much of a vindictive ass to fire the agent because of this skiing mishap.

  2. This is right out of Hillary’s play book. She was well known for the language used with her bodyguards.
    Just more evidence of how far the Democratic Party leaders have strayed from being the party of the little people to a party of elites.

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