Giving Credit Where It’s Due Dept.

Once again the news confirms that nobody’s wrong all the time, or in the words of the aphorism, “even a stopped clock is right twice a day.”
Thanks to Rep. Barney Frank who has come out … in opposition to San Francisco’s illegal same-sex marriages, because, well, they’re illegal. And dittos to gay-paper editor Fred Kuhr, who argued the same point on O’Reilly’s show Friday evening.

1 comment

  1. I’m thinking that they, i.e., San Francisco and that New Mexico county, are trying to force a court confrontation, probably on the Federal level. They want nothing less than for the SCOTUS to declare that there is a constitutional right to gay marriage. If Kerry wins in November, and O’Connor or Rehnquist step down before the case reaches the them, then there is very little doubt that SCOTUS will grant them what they want.

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