Pregnant minors, lies, and Hodean

I haven’t seen too much about Hodean’s abortion views. I assumed he was as pro-abortion as the rest of the Democrat candidates — which is to say, he is in favor of any abortion at any time for any pregnant female, no matter how young or vulnerable she is. That assumption was correct.
Now it turns out that he is a liar about abortion, too. In a speech, he claimed he saw a 12-year-old female patient who was pregnant with her own father’s child. He left out the part that someone else was convicted for getting her pregnant. The invaluable Tim Russert confronted Hodean about leaving out that inconvenient fact. (By the way, conservatives should thank God that someone as intellectually honest as Russert is NBC’s main political analyst. He’s a liberal Democrat, but he asks tough questions of everyone he interviews.)
Not that anyone should be surprised by this revelation — after all, if you believe in unrestricted abortion on demand, you have to believe in all kinds of untruths: that the state has no business intervening to protect a helpless child, that an 8-month-old fetus doesn’t experience pain and isn’t really alive, that most abortions are performed by the free choice of the mother and not out of male coersion or sheer terror…et cetera, et cetera.
I have a lot of empathy for a scared girl who is pregnant long before she can handle it. I have not even the feeblest amount of compassion for politicians who think it’s all right to get rid of her child and call it a good social policy.

1 comment

  1. Eric,
    Good comments, but this story is really old news. And besides, Dr. Howie has had the sheer audacity to self-destruct long before he got the nomination, thereby making the President work for re-election. Actually, that is probably a good thing since a) he’ll be more faithful to his base and b) he won’t run over-confidently , which would make him more vulnerable to an upset.
    If Dr. Howie doesn’t win New Hampshire, and it looks like he may come in third again, then he’s cooked. Where would he win, if not in the two states he’s been working on for a year and a half?

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